Introduction to Current Caliph of Islam

Mirza Masroor Ahmad and his current status

muhammad usama
3 min readJan 6, 2021

to this station Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the fifth Caliph of the organization of Caliphate, Following the Holy Scriptures, 100 years of the thriving arrangement of the Caliphate have happened in Ahmadi Muslims. We are presently in the surprising fifth time of Caliphate were God Almighty, out of His Divine Decree, delegated my significant other

Indeed, even before his life as the Caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad had just committed himself to the administration of confidence, and he would go through his days and evenings involved in these issues. However, regardless of his authority obligations he would likewise pay extraordinary interest to family matters and show his total participation.

Full Cooperation Of the Caliph:

At the point when we moved to Ghana, at the time the nation was encountering a genuine financial emergency, and because of the absence of downpour, there was likewise an extreme dry spell. The situation of the nation was incredibly terrible.

The principal outstanding part of Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s character, which I sincerely esteemed was that he never showed any type of narrow-mindedness. Despite his immense obligations, he would consistently deal with me and the kids as well as could be expected. To be sure for a Waqf-e-Zindagi [life devotee] to satisfy their destinations their companion should likewise make penances and completely uphold them. Specifically with regards to the payment that the Community benevolently gives a Waqf-e-Zindagi to run their home; without the participation of the spouse, the wife would stay in a steady battle to deal with her home with this restricted stipend.

I have seen in specific family units that as indicated by the craving of the spouse, food and new chapatti would be readied, and an extraordinary course of action would be made for him, while the wife and youngsters would eat just the extras. However, Mirza Masroor Ahmad never communicated such a craving nor did he set such expectations. Consequently, on one hand, my gratefulness and honor for him kept on expanding, while then again I was dumbfounded that different men had committed their life, yet offered no penance when it came to homegrown undertakings. All things being equal, they requested a penance from their spouses and kids.

Life in Ghana:

Mirza Masroor Ahmad was the Manager of the Ahmadiyya Agricultural Farm in Tamale, north Ghana where unexpectedly [in the nation’s history] he effectively developed wheat. We remained in Tamale for a very long time for horticultural cultivating. Tamale is the central command for the Northern Regions [in Ghana]. On occasion, during the planting and the collecting seasons, Mirza Masroor Ahmad would go through a few evenings in the cabins of the nearby townspeople. During this time he would cheerfully persevere through a wide range of challenges. Also, he helped me every way under the sun when it came to family errands. He would even gather water and bring it from outside.

There was consistently a deficiency of water in Ghana. Mirza Masroor Ahmad had kept a tank outside which the big hauler would come and load up with water. There were enormous plastic drums in the kitchen and washroom; Huzur would top off [these drums] with pails [of water] after each day’s supplication. Regardless of how pressing his work, he never said to me that he was occupied and I should fill these [drums] myself. At whatever point I became sick he would assume the liability of cooking for us. He would effectively uphold me in showing the Holy Quran to our kids.

