Present Khalifa of Islam is Mirza Masroor Ahmad

muhammad usama
3 min readDec 15, 2020


The khalifa Nowadays is Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad and head of Ahmadi Qadiani muslims

Ahmadi Muslim Community is the world’s biggest Islamic people group under one supernaturally designated pioneer, His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the fifth Khalifa. The Ahmadi Islam ranges more than 200 countries with participation surpassing several millions.

Mirza Masroor Ahmad determinedly pronounce that the “Jihad by the Sword” is not welcome in Islam. What I wish to examine is something that has caused Islamophobia in the Western and non-Muslim world. There can be no uncertainty that this condition of dread and nervousness has been energized by the demonstrations of certain supposed Muslims or purported Muslim gatherings. Nonetheless, there is likewise no uncertainty that the demonstrations of psychological oppression or radicalism they execute have nothing at all to do with the genuine lessons of Islam.

The significance of ‘Islam’ is harmony, security and giving an assurance of insurance against all types of damage and insidiousness. In reality, the Holy Quran pronounces that this is the instructing that each and every Prophet of God educated. Being in the United States of America, my desire to openly declare that I am an Ahmadi Muslim at long last materialized. I am conceded strict opportunity and I am permitted to live, talk and act as indicated by my religion and its lessons. I am pleased to be an individual from the Ahmadi Islam. The life, opportunity, and regard that I am given through my religion, Islam, is all that a lady could want. I’m carrying on a serene, upbeat and fulfilled life through the rights and honor my religion awards me.

Mirza Masroor Ahmad has trained Ahmadi Muslims in the United Kingdom of the accompanying:

  1. Ahmadi Muslims should follow all bearings of the Government and general wellbeing specialists relating to Covid-19.

2. As far as social separating, His Holiness has trained individuals to evade all pointless travel, according to the directions of the UK Government, and to keep up legitimate social removing rules during fundamental travel.

3. Congregational petitions and some other administrations in Mosques or focuses should be suspended until considered protected by the specialists. Also, all impending Mosque occasions are to be deferred or dropped until considered protected by the specialists.

4. Individuals should offer every day supplications and the week by week Friday petitions inside their home with individuals from their family unit as it were.

5. His Holiness has additionally educated all individuals to do whatever they can to stay well. For instance, he has prompted they keep a solid eating regimen and rest however much as could reasonably be expected to keep their safe framework strong. As far as mental health, His Holiness has encouraged individuals to utilize their time at home gainfully,

Mirza Masroor Ahmad has educated the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK and in different nations to serve their nation and weak citizenry, as per the standards and guidelines of society. For instance, numerous individuals from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK have joined the NHS Volunteer plan set up by the UK Government in light of Covid-19.

