Khalifa of islam Visits Germany to Meet Muslims
German Tour of Mirza Masroor Ahmad
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, overall Leader of the Ahmadi Qadiani Muslim Community, the 5th Caliph welcomed fair visitors by saying the supplications of harmony. Mirza Masroor Ahmad clarified that the introduction of the mosque involves extraordinary satisfaction for Ahmadis and it is great to see so numerous nearby Germans go along with us on this event. It mirrors the resistance and liberality of German.
A few people may have misgivings about building a mosque in their area. Islam is a religion of harmony and mosques are spots to revere God. No demonstration of love is finished without satisfying the privileges Of God’s manifestations. God Almighty says that that prayer, or formal love, of the individuals who are cruel and relentless, will be dismissed and will turn into a wellspring of ruin for such individuals.
A few people blame Islam religion for savagery. None of the lessons of Islam advocate brutality. During early Islam, Muslims were sharply mistreated and exposed to tremendous torment for a very long time in Makkah. They didn’t fight back and when Muslims couldn’t bear the oppression any longer, rather they relocated to Madinah. And, after it’s all said and done, the Makkans assaulted them with exceptional and profoundly prepared troopers. At this, consent to battle was allowed to Muslims, just to shield religion. To be sure Muslims were allowed to wage war to secure temples, sanctuaries, chapels, and different spots of love. Islam doesn’t advocate hostility.
It is an officeholder upon Muslims to advance social equity and serve humankind. This is the model that was set for us by the author of Islam, the Holy Prophet Mohammad (saw). He joined a board of trustees for the government assistance of the poor in Makkah and was happy to fill in as an individual from that panel with his chief adversaries to serve humankind. Following these lessons, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community uphold denied networks in Africa. We assemble emergency clinics, schools, new water wells, and sun-powered energy boards in model towns to assist every single, neighborhood Christian, agnostics, skeptics, and Muslims. This is the thing that Islam shows us, our God is called Lord of the relative multitude of universes. He continues and accommodates Muslims, Christians, Jews, and even nonbelievers the same. What’s more, along these lines we follow this model and serve unpredictably.
We serve the German people group too and will endeavor to put forth a more noteworthy attempt after building this mosque. Our individuals will incorporate into this inviting German people group by turning out eagerly for the improvement of this network, by their schooling, and by not turning into a weight on the nearby committee. His Holiness asked that the mosque would turn into a wellspring of harmony for the network.
Mirza Masroor Ahmad expressed that the world has become a worldwide town with all its innovative progressions and enhancements in vehicle and correspondence and so forth So in a manner the entire world has gotten one and is uniting everybody like a worldwide town. Thus, we should utilize the entirety of this for our potential benefit as opposed to fear each other — this is the undertaking of all of us, paying little mind to religion.
Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that the National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Germany had referenced in his inviting comments that there is an exhibition hall here. It is a significant errand to safeguard our set of experiences. We can do so when we take profit from such issues and by taking in exercises from them.
His Holiness said he had been informed that Fulda is a mainstream place for training. Genuine schooling is the place where we figure out how to have generosity towards each other, be tolerant, hear one out another, and go to the elements of others. On the off chance that not, at that point there is almost no advantage to training. So it is the kindness of the visitors which carried them to the occasion today.